Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD)
Almost four years ago we commenced the Inquiry into End of Life Choices. As Chair of the Inquiry, today is quite an emotional day.
Today (1 July 2021) Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) becomes available in WA for people with terminal illness and less than six months to live (or 12 with a neuro-degenerative disease).
Today is about the hundreds of people who shared their most intimate and, at times, harrowing experiences caring for their dying loved ones. It was a heavy burden to hear their evidence and no doubt even harder for them to give it, but so important in driving this important end of life reform.
The McGowan Government's investment in Palliative Care and the introduction of VAD gives people real choices, and importantly, the freedom to live their last months or weeks free from fear about the end.
Almost four years ago we commenced the Inquiry into End of Life Choices. As Chair of the Inquiry, today is quite an emotional day.
Today (1 July 2021) Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) becomes available in WA for people with terminal illness and less than six months to live (or 12 with a neuro-degenerative disease).
Today is about the hundreds of people who shared their most intimate and, at times, harrowing experiences caring for their dying loved ones. It was a heavy burden to hear their evidence and no doubt even harder for them to give it, but so important in driving this important end of life reform.
The McGowan Government's investment in Palliative Care and the introduction of VAD gives people real choices, and importantly, the freedom to live their last months or weeks free from fear about the end.